Sunday, October 12, 2008

Step Two

So I am in the center of His will, right...

Rebounded, repented,
surrendered, accepted.

And now all is exuberantly peaceful. Quiet. Eyes closed or just unfocused. I can literally feel a bristling ascension of sensation that seems to come from my center, curve around my chest, under my arms and across my back at the base of my scapula where it meets my spine. The sensation nestles there briefly between my shoulder blades and I have to roll my head back and tighten my shoulders. My eyes focusing now, upwards to Heaven.

Hello Abba. It is an embrace.

Sometimes I lift up the day in a practice of examen. Sometimes I offer praise. Sometimes I intercede for someone. Always I wait. And whatever comes to me I accept and engage before Him with a calm assurance of His trustworthy love and unchanging proximity.

If this were the whole of communion it would be enough. But he does not leave us here, at least not for long...

(to be continued)

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