Thursday, December 18, 2008

Like a Mustard Seed

This little concept sketch about faith was developed for a "make a gift for < $5" exchange. I'm not completely satisfied with it. The woman as "Faith rooted in prayer" needs to be a bit more stylized.


dancinglife said...

I like the concept, though. Sometimes I do a dance move for balance, where I take one foot up and raise my arms and imagine roots growing down deep through my standing foot into the soil of His love.

Anonymous said...

seems if you wanted her rooted in faith you would have drawn it the other way....with roots...

The concept I see with faith is clinging to a rope where you can't see what it's anchored to...

I am not an artist..but maybe even have her clothed in a flowing dress..roots to the ground..

I like it though. Keep on posting this stuff!

TheTentMaker said...

Funny you say that, tagdaddy. I'm not sure it is faith afterall. It was a quick work, and the title never fit quite right. Though I do see the position kneeling (sp?) as a main indicator of prayer. A tree, and at the root - kneeling.

The "kingdom of heaven is like" the verse says... Maybe this is the church. Naked and unashamed before God.

It still isn't right... It needs to be more stylized... The graphic quality has led several to say - "put some clothes on her." ;)