Sunday, November 2, 2008

Two Divine Comedies

I had a conversation this week that prompted me to pick up a few books from the library.

I am down to the 7th circle of hell in inferno. Talk about stunning imagery. Dante's poetry makes the putrid depths of hell viscerally real. I am excitedly anticipating paradiso. The nagging annoyance in all of this is the time required to put images to paper. If I could let you look inside the images of my mind, what would you say? The demands of everyday life make the time to create a physical representation of mental imagery hard to find.

The second book I was prompted to pick up is The Princess Bride.

I have been retelling the story to my sons from memory for the last week at bedtime. It has been remarkable watching their enthralled faces and disbelief at some of the plot twists. I shared my story telling adventure with a friend and he said I should definitely read the original. I never have. Though I love the movie. I can't wait!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As to "Inconceivable!"

"I do not think that word means what you think it means."